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Shaquille O’Neal Once Impersonated Police To Make Darius Miles Late For Practice

Read Miles’ tell the story below:

“I remember one day I was running late for practice, so I was flying down the 405. All of a sudden, I look in the rearview, and I see the flashing lights. This unmarked police truck is right up on me. Tinted windows. Big heavy-duty truck. Woop-woop.

I knew I was speeding. So I pull over, and I roll the window down, and I’m reaching over into the glove compartment to get my papers. Then, I hear this voice. Big, booming voice.


I’m like, ‘Damn, they got the sergeant on me or something?’

I turn to look out the window, and I can’t even see this dude’s face he’s so big. All I see is his chest.


Then, he bends down and looks in the window. Big, grin on his face.

It’s Shaq.

I’m like, “Yo! I’m going to practice! You made me late!”

He don’t miss a beat. He taps side of my truck, turns around and says, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll pay your fine. Just holler at me.”

I’m looking in the rearview mirror, like, ‘How the hell’

Shaq’s got one of those old-school police lights that you put on the hood of your car like you see on C.O.P.S.

He gets in, laughing his a– off, waving at me.”

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