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Nav Bhatia Helps Cancer Patient Make Dying Christmas Wish Come True

Per CTV News Toronto:

Groves, who said he has always been a Los Angeles Lakers fan, was granted a wish from the Children’s Wish Foundation earlier this year and immediately knew he wanted to meet his hero Lebron James.

Despite multiple attempts, the foundation was not able to arrange a meeting with James, but offered Groves a week-long all-expense paid trip to Los Angeles along with tickets to a game. He is leaving on Dec. 23.

But on Wednesday evening, Bhatia made a surprise visit to Groves at Credit Valley Hospital to give him the news he’s been waiting for – a meeting with his basketball hero had been arranged.

“Corey’s wish will come true,” the hospital said in a statement. “He will meet Lebron James at the Lakers game on Christmas Day.”

This is just another reason that we have to love Nav Bhatia.

To learn more about Corey Groves’ story, click below.

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