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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Blasts Fox News For Turning Colin Kaepernick Into “Black Grinch”

Abdul-Jabbar exclaims racists have been trying to “drown out Kaepernick’s voice by shouting unfounded personal insults” at him since he first began protesting against the country in 2016, per source.

The NBA great continued talking about Kaepernick’s protesting the country, and the media making him out to be worse than he actually is.

“Kaepernick’s highly publicized tryout last month did not seem designed to seriously consider him for re-admittance into the NFL.

Instead, it looked like a media-savvy sham-show to make the NFL look like the good guys while destroying Kaepernick’s credibility as an athlete and therefore as a spokesman for anything, be it social justice or Nike.

For much longer than 50 years people have been ordering truth-tellers to shut up and punishing them when they refuse.

I’m sure their tactics have silenced some athletes. Not all.

They can never silence all because the kind of grit it takes to become an athlete is the same kind it takes to place truth above self-interest.

But they sure will keep on trying as long as they get paid to pander to those who wrap themselves in the pretty colors of the flag rather than the bold words of the Constitution.”

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